Oct 2024 - Oct 2025
Employees say this is a great place work
About the Company
Qualicare is committed to comprehensive home care, offering a number of specialized services that are difficult to find. This makes us uniquely qualified for those who require home health care or who are coping with chronic medical concerns. From delivering specialized home care to managing everyday tasks, or simply keeping our clients company, we’ll work with families to develop a custom home care plan that compassionately responds to their loved one’s needs, for as long as they need us. Qualicare is among the most trusted, respected, and recognized names in home care. We’ve earned this reputation by offering comprehensive and holistic care, placing clients at the center of our approach, and bringing an uncompromising vision of quality to our work. And without great caregivers, that simply wouldn’t be possible.
San Diego, California, US
Year Founded
Number of Locations
13 Locations
7 States
Majority Type of Care
At-Home Care
Social Media
The Employee Experience
The employee experience below at Qualicare Home Care, compared to an overall
Great Place to Work statement for a typical US-based company.
95% of employees at Qualicare Home Care say it is a great place to work
compared to 57% of employees at a typical
US-based company.
Benchmark: Typical US-based Company *See source
My work has special meaning: this is not "just a job."
When I look at what we accomplish, I feel a sense of pride.
I'm proud to tell others I work here.
I feel good about the ways we contribute to the community.
Our customers would rate the service we deliver as "excellent."
See what employees say about what makes Qualicare Home Care a great workplace. These words are drawn from employee comments on the Trust Indexâ„¢ survey.
The Employee Demographics & Tenure
The tenure breakdown at Qualicare Home Care.
Why Work Here?
Qualicare Home Care offers quality care, career growth through our QPath training and development program, flexibility with scheduling, competitive pay, and a supportive work environment.
Our mission at Qualicare is to "Improve the Quality of Life for our clients and their families," which we do by providing innovative and expert-led home health solutions with integrity, dignity, and compassion.Benefits
Earn Certification by Great Place To Work® and get game-changing insights to improve employee, resident, and family engagement.